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There is not a single normal training course, blog presentation, or anything else about programming.

There is not a single normal training course, blog presentation, or anything else about programming  arm64-v8a !!!! 

NO ONE !!!Just amazing.Tons of some meaningless muddy idiocy.And not a single normal example, for example, how to load one of two numbers - no! Just fantastic, unbelievable! Here is an example : 

// c code 

extern void  aLoad(float aVal[2], float *x, float *y) asm("MyLoad");

//  arm64-v8a


.align 4

.global MyLoad
.type MyLoad, %function

// x1 = x, x1 = y
ldr s0, [x1]
ldr s1, [x2]

str d0, [x0]

bgt .L_loop

but this example of mine is wrong, but how to write the right one, I don’t know and can’t find ANY human written language tutorial's who would explain to me how to do it. It is unimaginable how to write manuals and other documentation so that absolutely nothing is understood !!!!
  • At  armeabi-v7a In the model, I can decide to write a solution, but for arm 4 it is generally impossible.And most importantly, it is promised that the changes are small, but they can be sorted out.So - they can not deal with such documentation

  • At  armeabi-v7a In the model, I can decide to write a solution, but for arm 4 it is generally impossible.And most importantly, it is promised that the changes are small, but they can be sorted out.So - they can not deal with such documentation

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