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Memory management issue with Keil uVision4 and Arm cortex-M4 uC


so I was working on Tiva C launch pad and coding using this environment, I noticed that this compiler has major difference from others so I will list some of the problems I faced as questions hoping someone would answer : 

1- In case I need to use the SRAM (32kB) as back up storage, how can I know how much left in my memory after I compiled the code before I start the back up storage and how to know which specific addresses are empty or clear to start with? is it related to heap and stack section in start up file and .map file?

2- Why in this compiler when I nest a lot of if conditions or even if I start switch() with more than 15 case for example my microcontroller freezes?

3- in local called functions when I put an array with any sizes sometimes I receive this error "Not enough information to list image symbols"  or ".\file.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol data (referred from uart.o)."?