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Unit testing support in DS-MDK 5.27

Does DS-MDK include an easy way to perform unit testing?

I don't know how much from Eclipse is part of DS-MDK;

moreover I'm not an expert of Eclipse.

I found that under Install Software I can select CDT Optional Features >> C/C++ Unit Testing Support but I can't find a document describing how to setup unit testing in DS-MDK

Could comeone suggest some documents and/or examples?

  • Arm only supports the DS-MDK bits of the Eclipse installation.  The Unit testing feature you mentioned is part of the CDT plug-in created for Eclipse, so if you want information on it, you will need to consult the Eclipse CDT plugin documentation.  A quick google search turned up a C/C++ Unit Testing FAQ which you may find useful:

  • Arm only supports the DS-MDK bits of the Eclipse installation.  The Unit testing feature you mentioned is part of the CDT plug-in created for Eclipse, so if you want information on it, you will need to consult the Eclipse CDT plugin documentation.  A quick google search turned up a C/C++ Unit Testing FAQ which you may find useful:
