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Feature request: add Windowing functions to CMSIS-DSP

CMSIS-DSP offers some functions to perform FFT (Fast Fourier Transform).

An usual approach, before a FFT, is to apply a window, for example to reduce leakage effect.

A lot of different window have been developed and tested in DSP, but common choice is between Hanning, Hamming, Blackman and Flat-Top (even if many others are available).

I suggest the developers to add to CMSIS-DSP some functions to apply (at least) these common windows (f32, q15 and q31 data formats).

Does someone think this can be useful?

  • It should be easy enough to add your own window functions (especially cosine based functions, such as 'hamming' and 'hanning')  and then convert them to float32 or q15 etc via the CMSIS DSP functions. Here's a reference from Wiki for a Hamming window, which is just a simple for loop with the 'cos' function:

  • It should be easy enough to add your own window functions (especially cosine based functions, such as 'hamming' and 'hanning')  and then convert them to float32 or q15 etc via the CMSIS DSP functions. Here's a reference from Wiki for a Hamming window, which is just a simple for loop with the 'cos' function:
