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DS-MDK Path Entry Problem with supplied [Colibri-VF61] Blinky_M4 example

I've just downloaded DS-MDK v5.27.0 which adds support for Vybrid VF61 and Toradex Colibri module (which uses this device).

I opened the supplied <Colibri-VF61] Blinky_M4> example and I noticed there is a "Path Entry Problem":

the Includes refer to an absolute path <D:/WORK/freertos-colibri-vf61>.

I suppose this folder should contain the freertos porting for Colibri module distributed by Toradex.

The project can be built, so I don't know if the project really needs these files.

I suggest either to remove the includes (if not needed) or to fix the path (if needed).