Im trying to compile NFE_Silverware on Linux Mint 21 x86_64 I downloaded ARMCompiler_506_Linux_x86_b960 but when I run make I'm getting following error
$ make + Compiling 'angle_pid.c'Error: C9511E: Unable to determine the current toolkit. Check that ARM_TOOL_VARIANT is set correctly.ARM Compiler could not determine the product installation it is part of. You might be able to resolve this by reinstalling the tools, or ensuring that ARM_TOOL_VARIANT and ARM_PRODUCT_PATH are set appropriately.Information about this error is available at: General licensing information is available at: If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: unset - LM_LICENSE_FILE: unset - ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: 'mdk_lite' - ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset - Product location: product not found - Toolchain location: /home/slobodan/ARM_Compiler_5.06u7/bin - Selected tool variant: mdk_liteProduct: unknownComponent: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 7 (build 960)Tool: armcc [4d365d]make: *** [Makefile:48: obj/angle_pid.o] Error
We provide a free-of-charge Community Edition license for Non-commercial use. However this will only enable the latest Arm Compiler as provided with MDK.
Arm Compiler 5 is VERY old. Do you need to use that version? If so, you would need to purchase MDK Professional Edition, then generate an old license as per:
You can purchase licenses online (monthly or yearly):
How do I set
- LM_LICENSE_FILE:- ARM_PRODUCT_PATH:can you give me examples with correct file name and extensions ?
Thank you
Please see