I can't open Keil Studio Cloud

When I try to open https://studio.keil.arm.com/ I get the following error:

upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. retried and the latest reset reason: connection timeout

Any idea on how I can fix this?

  • Had the same, was down at the same time as OP, then came back this morning, but at 15:00 UTC seems to be down again.
    Clearing the browser cache brings up the login page again, but after that I just get same message as OP, been a couple of hours now.

  • Had the same, was down at the same time as OP, then came back this morning, but at 15:00 UTC seems to be down again.
    Clearing the browser cache brings up the login page again, but after that I just get same message as OP, been a couple of hours now.
