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Keil-MDK Community and Keil Studio for VSCode installation on the same PC - can they coexist without side effects?

Hello team,

I intend to use Keil-MDK and ARM Keil Studio (AKS) for VSCode on the same computer. Both will be the Community versions for the moment. Can they coexist without side effects?

What is the proper sequence of steps for installing the two products together without interfering with each other? Should I install AKS first and MDK after? Or MDK first and AKS after? Does it matter?

Considering the two installed, what's the best way to convert MDK projects into AKS projects so that they can use the settings properly translated (like paths, file names, configuration, etc.) What is the structure of the manifest file that can help the process to have a predictable conversion?

Is it possible to do the opposite? I.e. convert AKS projects into MDK projects.

A list of prerequisites and steps for the process would be helpful.

Thank you,


  • Is it possible to do the opposite? I.e. convert AKS projects into MDK projects.

    Not really, but we have implemented one way back to the µVision debugger. Since Keil Studio Desktop does not provide all the debug features of µVision yet, you might want to use µVision as a debug IDE for your Keil Studio Desktop project. Since MDK version 5.39 (was released on Monday this week), you can load a csolution project into µVision. However, this only enables the debugger in µVision, not the project management/build. Please see the release notes of MDK 5.39 under 'Experimental feature':

  • Is it possible to do the opposite? I.e. convert AKS projects into MDK projects.

    Not really, but we have implemented one way back to the µVision debugger. Since Keil Studio Desktop does not provide all the debug features of µVision yet, you might want to use µVision as a debug IDE for your Keil Studio Desktop project. Since MDK version 5.39 (was released on Monday this week), you can load a csolution project into µVision. However, this only enables the debugger in µVision, not the project management/build. Please see the release notes of MDK 5.39 under 'Experimental feature':
