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Keil Studio Pack (VS Code extensions, MDK 6) Cannot flash

Hi all,

Recently installed the Keil Studio Pack on Visual Studio Code (on Windows 11). I've been able to successfully import existing projects from μVision 5 and build them.

But I'm not able to flash the generated .axf files. The device is properly detected by Arm Device Manager (a NUCLEO-L432KC board), but when I press DEBUG on the CMSIS activity, I get:

Executing task: Flash Device 

Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, stat '\\Users\XXXXX\MICR\E7\out\MICR\mbedNUCLEOL432KC\MICR.axf'

The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1. 

Note that file c:\Users\XXXXX\MICR\E7\out\MICR\mbedNUCLEOL432KC\MICR.axf does really exist in the filesystem.

Any clue, I'm stuck here.

Thanks a lot and regards.