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Access Breakpoint of AGDI driver using C51

I am using AGDI drivers for developing C51 Emulators. I have question about access breakpoint that check the Read and Write checkboxes and click Define.
But it always show error message: Breakpoint definition error. See Command Window for detailed error information.
The Command Window show:*** error 73: unsupported breakpoint type.

What parameters or callback functions should I set in AGDI driver? let uVision support Read and Write of Access breakpoint.

I want to implement function in AGDI.cpp as follow, but the process never into switch-case AG_WBREAK block whatever I set breakpoint dialog.

int SaCBreaks(DWORD set, DWORD nA) { // 1:=set, 0:=clear
    AG_BP* pB;
    int nR;

    abreaks = 0; // clear number of address Bp's
    cbreaks = 0; // clear number of conditional Bp's
    wbreaks = 0; // clear number of access Bp's

    for (pB = *pBhead; pB; pB = pB->next) {
        if (!pB->enabled) continue;
        switch (pB->type) {
            case AG_ABREAK: ++abreaks; break; // increase Nr. of AddressBreaks
            case AG_CBREAK: ++cbreaks; break; // increase Nr. of CondBreaks
            case AG_WBREAK: ++wbreaks; break; // increase Nr. of WatchBreaks

if (s
return (nR);

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