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Keil. ST10F273. A167. warning A62: VALUE TRUNCATION

I wrote a simple ASM-code in Keil Uvision. MCU ST10F273. Procedure calls in different addresses.
If the procedure call is within the same page, then "warning 62" does not occur.
There is a problem with "warning 62" when you jump from one page (AT code 0x4000) to another (AT code 0x20000).

I am finding the setup of the IDE difficult despite reading instructions.
How to solve this problem? What is the best way to write code that calls a procedure from one page from another.

a00.asm (18) warning A62: VALUE TRUNCATION

Program Size: data=0(near=0) const=0(near=0) code=30
creating hex file from "a00"...
"c" - 0 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).


;page 00
seg00		section	CODE AT 0x0
RESET	proc 
	jmps    0, loc_4000
RESET endp
seg00	ends

seg4000 section CODE AT 0x4000
_loc_4000 proc          				
    jmps	2, sub_20000        ;warning A62: VALUE TRUNCATION
_loc_4000 endp
seg4000 ends

seg2AA section CODE AT 0x02AA
_srvwdt_loc_2AA proc
		srvwdt			; -- perezapusk	storozhevoi timer
		jmpr	cc_UC, srvwdt_loc_2AA
_srvwdt_loc_2AA endp
seg2AA ends

;============== end page 00 ================================
; page 02
seg2 section CODE AT 0x020000
_sub_20000 proc
    mov R1, DPP3:3DFEh
		cmp	r1, #0A585h
		jmpr	cc_Z, reset_WDT_loc_2007E
 		mov	r12, #0

		jmps	0, srvwdt_loc_2AA

_sub_20000 endp
seg2 ends


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