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Keil MDK pack installer "updating pack descriptions" for several minutes, preventing work

So, I was at an office that uses keil mdk and needed to quickly update something in a firmware. last the install was used seemed to be several months ago, and the device pack/whatever for the chip in question wasn't installed at that machine. so when I opened a project, i was presented with the "this chip not found, run packs installer" thing. I did, and for the next 5+ minutes, I was sitting there as it was downloading one file at a time, at super slow speeds, for processors I give absolutely no crap about, preventing me from just selecting the chip i needed to update and grabbing it's pack.

I realize that the new "cloud ide" is probably the target for any future development since keil MDK development has been more than dead for the last several years, but could someone at least fix the packs stuff? I find it hard to believe that in 2022 I need to spend 10 minutes waiting to download ~50 tiny .xml files. 

what i'm referring to is the "action left: updating pack descriptions" or whatever that takes for freaking ever and cannot be skipped.