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CMSIS 5.9.0 and RTX RTOS2 5.5.4. issue

By upgrading from cmsis 5.7.0 to cmsis 5.9.0, in the debugger tool of keil uVision ( I can't view anymore the threads and the infos about the rtx rtos2 (I have an RTX5 project and the project appears to run OK). The tool complains about a missing RTX5.scvd file, but, actually, the file is in the path where the tool is looking for, so I guess there is a mistake in the expected RTX version written in the file. The file contains something like this: "<component name="CMSIS:RTOS2:Keil RTX5" shortname="RTX5" version="5.5.3">" but the expected version is 5.5.4 version.
I tried to modify by addig "5.5.4" without success.
In the attached image you can find the keil uvision error.
Obviously, when I downgrade to CMSIS 5.8.0 or former versions, the tool works properly