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How to get my firmware application configured?

I have been developing different type of industrial stm32 applications with keil uVision which work basically all the same and over the last 15 years as more and more types where developed or upgraded it finally ends up that when a new device is developped then a copy of the most fitting software needs to be updated on 6 to 8 locations in the sourcecode which is risky and takes more development and debug time.
I'm now on the point of redesigning the basic firmware. I like to have some advice. I have some thoughts about it myself. I would like to make the firmware as flexible as possible so no firmware changes are needed if a new industrial system is ordered but that only for instance one header file containing all the new data has to be changed. This header file contents is then generated bij some Excel application with a user interface when the final button is pressed. I just wonder if there are any other idea's or approaches or comments to solve this issue.