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STm32H7xx dual core set up


  I am beginning a project with STM32H7xx dual core MCPU, with both an M7 and M4 core.  I generated the project with CubeMX, and opened it with ARM MDK.

Upon running the programming (it defaults to M7 core) I cannot proceed because the code is stuck at this point:

  /* Wait until CPU2 boots and enters in stop mode or timeout*/
  timeout = 0xFFFF;
  while((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY) != RESET) && (timeout-- > 0));
  if ( timeout < 0 )

After doing a little digging I learned that in order for the CM4 core to boot I need to:

* Set BOOT_CM4 in the option bytes

* Flash code to the CM4

* Make sure the CM4 boot address is set to where I flashed it

I'm not sure how to do these things with ARM MDK (specifically making sure it's flashed)

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