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STM32G431 Keil 5.36 Erase sectors fail


I use STM32G431R6T6 (32k Flash) with build in Bootloader.

Boootloader use address 0x0800'0000 - 0x0800'1FFF

Application us address: 0x0800'2000 - 0x0800'7FFF

In the bootloader I can select Erase sectors (System delete only sectors which are used) So the application is not deleted.

In the application, with the option 'Erase sectors' during download Message 'Error Flash Download failed - 'Cortex M4''

If I choose option 'Erase full chip' in the application erase and programming flash is working. But in this case the bootloader is erased and so the system is not start up.

Because of these problems I cannot debug the application with Keil built in debugger.

Has anybody same problem or a solution. Thanks for replay.
