Hi, I am very2 new to the ARM and IAR environment.Currently, I am trying to copy/read contents from the flash memory ( 000-0fff) to RAM address 1000000 to 10000fff.( FYI: I wrote the flash memory with HEX file (~nearly 4KByte) using external flash writer GUI)I am using ARM cortex M0+ for this. I am going to use the content copied from flash as boot file after remapping 1000000 to 10000fff to 00000000 - 00001000.How can I complete above task?Thank you.
Hello, you should contact IAR for assistance with their tools.
FYI, the Arm Compiler (as provided with Keil MDK) uses scatter loading as the mechanism for this.https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100748/0617/Mapping-Code-and-Data-to-the-Target