AgsiRegisterExecCallBackEx in DP51.dll
Agsi.RegisterExecCallBackEx = (AgsiRegisterExecCallBackEx_t) GetProcAddress(AgsiConfig.m_hInstance, "AgsiRegisterExecCallBackEx");
How to make it work?
typedef AGSIEXPORT BOOL (*AgsiRegisterExecCallBackEx_t)(DWORD callerid, unsigned char codebyte, DWORD option, void(*fp)(DWORD pc, DWORD Ypc)); //callerid = 2,4
//can set 2 and 4 to callerid to callback//codebyte mean assembly hex bin code, when hit hex code will go to callbackstatic void Execution1(DWORD pc, DWORD Ypc){ BOOL ret = true; MessageBox(NULL, NULL, "AAA", MB_OK);}static BOOL DefineAllWatches(void){ ret &= Agsi.RegisterExecCallBackEx(0x00000002, hexcode, option, Execution1); ret &= Agsi.RegisterExecCallBackEx(0x00000004, hexcode, option, Execution2);}
//////////////////////////not sure about callerid =1ret &= Agsi.RegisterExecCallBackEx(0x00000001, hexcode, option, Execution1);~option=0x00000~0x0ffff and Execution1 address save to dynamic memory