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Strange debugger behaviour


I am struggling to use Keil's debugger because of its strange behaviour:

  • I have deleted all breakpoints, but the debugger still breaks when printing debugging messages and when resetting
  • Sometimes (often), stepping through just does not work. I step over a function call and nothing happens, or I step into a function and then after a few instructions, it stops, or jumps out of the function. Optimisation is off.
  • This behaviour starts randomly, and disappears when I restart uVision.
  • I can set a breakpoint at point Y, between point X and point Z, and the programme never breaks, but if I stop the running programme, it is at point Z.

I have experienced similar things with Keil before, where the debugger just stops, or jumps around the code, despite it not being compiled with optimisation.

Have other people experienced these things? How did you stop it happening?

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