It happens on an STM32H7 using ULINKpro and an STM32F7 using ST-LINK. uVision compiles and flashes the SoCs and then uVision crashes.
It worked prior to installing uVision 5.35.
I uninstalled 5.35 and 5.29 and reinstalled 5.29. I also did Window->Reset View to Defaults.
Is there any way of getting a trace log from uVision to help track down this issue?
Some more information. Both 5.29 and 5.35 had the same issues after reinstalling either one.
After opening a support case and elevating it, I was able to get this resolved. It appears that if the FlexNet text box is blank, the compiler and linker will be able to obtain a license and the debugger will obtain a license so it can flash the chip, but the debugger will complain about not getting a license when using the ULINKpro and it will crash uVision when using the ST-LINK/v3. I had to edit the FlexNet text box and fill in the port@host. 5.35 now works.
BTW, to enable license logging on the client, edit the TOOLS.INI file in the install directory and add the line LLOG=D after the line [UV2]