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How to suppress an error

In ST motor control code I have a section that compiles with warnings in the STM32CubeIDE & build okay but in Keil MDK gives an error and won't build.

#define PH_KIDIV_LOG    38
#define PH_KDDIV_LOG    10
#define PH_KPDIV		(1<<PH_KPDIV_LOG)
#define PH_KIDIV		(1<<PH_KIDIV_LOG)
#define PH_KDDIV		(1<<PH_KDDIV_LOG)

PID64_Handle_t g_PhaseLockPID =
  .hDefKpGain          = 27586,
  .hDefKiGain          = 22611,
  .wUpperIntegralLimit = (int64_t) IQMAX * (int64_t)PH_KIDIV, // HERE

The left shift is 38 but it is a 64-bit word. This is error #63: shift count is too large. Can someone explain why I get the error in this case? How can I fix this or make Keil ignore it?

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