Has anybody had any success at programming the new BBC microb:bit V2 which has a nrf52833 device and a CMSIS:DAP interface, from Keil?
My intention was to try and get a BLE Mesh network demo but I'm not having much luck. I've tried creating a very simple project in Keil and can't even reach my main function in the simulator never mind programming the actual device. The only success I've had a programming was using the Lancaster University microbit-v2-samples from Github but there are no BLE examples included. I've also tried a port on Zephyr without success and had no luck with MBed Studio. Has anybody got any working C/C++ projects for the microbit:v2 in Keil, Mbed studio / Zephyr that they could share, ideally with BLE? However something, anything that could compile the programme the board from Keil would be useful.
Many thanks
Hello Andy, Thanks for the reply. I've had a look inside the Nordic nRF5_SDK. The closest examples I could find are for pca10100 which is nrf52833 based. However most of the Nordic DKs have a built in Segger programmer rather then the CMSIS-DAP interface on the Micro:Bit V2. I can get the examples to compile but when I change the Debugger to CMSIS-DAP Debugger and set the Flash Download to nRF52xxx I get a flash error of "Insufficient RAM for Flash Algorithms 1" Erase Failed. Any suggestions? Best wishes, Jeremy