I would like to do some 'printf' to the display. Is there any tuto somewhere ? or a sample in the keil subdirectories ?
Another point bothers me : abreviations. Is there a dictionnary somewhere ?
Thanks in advance for any advice ...
Grenoble France
Hi Andy,
I had hard work last weeks teaching C language to ST people. On a sideway, I asked them on wich microcontroler there are going to work with (they drive machines to build wafers if you understand). They answered : " Arduino" !!!!!!
My problem with abreviation is about ST. I have to understand english and then sentences like
"/* DeInit the LTDC MSP :"
I know what init is; it's the first time I see that we can do a deinit
I know what LCD is, but what is LTDC ? And MSP ?
it would be good if, at the begining of each file (.c and .h) we have a dictionary like
/* LCD = Liquid Crystal Dysplay
LTDC = ...
and so on
but now teaching is over and I'll have some time to understand all that ...