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In LPC1857JBD208 datasheet, it is mentioned that the total SRAM is 136KB but in keil MD5 there is only 96KB of RAM mentioned. Does anybody have opinion on this?

  • Would be helpful to give links to where those images come from - for context.

    Presumably, the 1st is from NXP?

    Clearly, NXP are the definitive source for information on their own products!

    The 2nd image - presumably from Keil? - just refers to "LPC1800 devices" generically

  • Yes, I have an opinion. :)

    An LPC1857 project defaults to using a scatter file built from the target options dialog. The dialog only supports two on-die RAM areas, which are set to be 32KB at 0x10000000 and 64KB at 0x20000000. Per figure 5 in the LPC18xx user manual, there's another 40KB at 0x10080000, but it's not contiguous with the region starting at 0x10000000. You'll need to write and use your own scatter file to access that memory.