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V5.28, register watch

Using µVision V5.28.0.0. for STM32G071.
will result in correct asm code,
;;;1156       TIM3->EGR  |=  TIM_EGR_UG;                                      // Force update generation (UG = 1)
0000b8  4608              MOV      r0,r1
0000ba  6940              LDR      r0,[r0,#0x14]
0000bc  2101              MOVS     r1,#1
0000be  4308              ORRS     r0,r0,r1
0000c0  491c              LDR      r1,|L20.308|
0000c2  6148              STR      r0,[r1,#0x14]
Watch of TIM3 shows SR changed instead of EGR
    SR 0x00000001.
Seems in any info file for MDK and STM32G0 there is a wrong offset for watch of SR/EGR stored.
Where can I modify this ?
Best regards

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