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Event Viewer with RTX5 doesn't display separate threads


I'm running MDK 5.22 with CMSIS-RTOS2 RTX5 in a simple test using Event Viewer with a UNINK Pro on an STM32F429.

I suspect I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out how to get the Event Viewer to display separate threads.
All my threads appear under main(1) as shown in this shared screenshot link: "
As you can see, the exceptions (SVCall, PendSV, SysTick, TIM3) are shown separately as one would expect.

Each of the threads are in their own C file, and have unique names.

I am using the JTAG port with the 4bit trace port set up as described here:

I have applied the trace settings as described on this page:

My test project includes RTX5 as source, and the use of "DBG_MSG" as described in the following link, no longer seems relevant in RTX5 :

Any advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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