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Error L6200E

Hey there !
I had been trying to write a code for mmc interface with stm32f103c8 and i'm getting some error.

.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_initialize multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).
.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_ioctl multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).
.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_read multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).
.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_status multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).
.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_write multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).
.\Objects\main.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol disk_timerproc multiply defined (by code.o and sd_spi_stm32.o).

I know that Error L6200E means my function definition is repeated somewhere in the given two object files but I can't guess why i'm getting this error when i haven't defined it twice. Here's my code and the C file (sd_spi_stm32.c):

#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include <stm32f10x_gpio.h>
#include <stm32f10x_rcc.h>
#include <ff.h>
#include <sd_spi_stm32.c>

//the objective is to read from a file and copy it to another one.

int main(void)
FATFS *Fatfs;
        FIL *file;
        FRESULT fp;
int buf[8];
        UINT *nbr;
        nbr = 0;   //initialized it to null
f_mount(0, Fatfs);

fp= f_open(file, "First.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
if(!fp)   //now !fp=1
fp= f_read(file, &buf, sizeof buf, nbr);

fp= f_open(file, "New.txt", FA_CREATE_NEW     );   //here, the fp will give FR_OK=0 only if the file is OK otherwise some const.
if(!fp)   //now !fp=1
fp= f_write(file, buf, sizeof buf, nbr);


and c file sd_spi_stm32.c is actually quite big so will post it in another message.