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NXP ARM7 USB error handling


I have came across an issue when using LPC2368 micro USB in CDC mode I get errors at random time of communication and after them all communication stops.

At the moment system is using V1.10 USB driver from keil examples, USB initializing correctly, data is transferring ok also until error case. Data sending is started from timer which runs at 1ms period, and fills endpoint buffer if any data is ready to be sent and previous data on EP was sent(that is detected if EP_in event was fired)

9:54:37.587> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Data out buffer not empty in TIM __irq
9:54:37.587> Buff +=  64B            //temp buffer filled with data
9:54:37.587> EP_Send   64B           //temp buffer sent to EP to start sending
9:54:37.587> EP_in           //EP_in received ACK in USB __irq
9:54:37.587> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Same
9:54:37.587> Buff +=  64B
9:54:37.587> EP_Send   64B
9:54:37.587> EP_in
9:54:37.587> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Same
9:54:37.587> Buff +=  41B
9:54:37.587> EP_Send   41B
9:54:37.587> EP_in
9:54:38.086> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Same
9:54:38.086> Buff +=  27B
9:54:38.086> EP_Send   27B
9:54:38.086> EP_in
9:54:43.078> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Same
9:54:43.078> Buff +=  21B
9:54:43.078> EP_Send   21B
9:54:43.078> EP_in
9:54:43.515> ERROR - 0040|001D               //Errors started firing
9:54:43.515> ERROR - 0001|0011                //1st DWORD is ERROR status (SIE command 0xFB)
9:54:43.515> ERROR - 0041|001D                //2nd DWORD is ERROR code (SIE command 0xFF)
9:54:43.515> ERROR - 0001|0011
9:54:44.201> !BuffEmpty || bWait     //Trying to send next data from TIM __irq
9:54:44.201> Buff +=  48B            //without handling received error
9:54:44.201> EP_Send   48B
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt             //TIM __irq is detecting that EP_in ACK event wasn't fired yet
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0040|001D               //same stuff is repeating over and over again
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt             //Errors are firing and data stored in EP_in buffer
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt             //isn't sending or EP_in ACK event isn't happening
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0041|001D
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0001|0011
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0040|001D
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0001|0011
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0040|001D
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0041|001D
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0041|0011
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0040|001D
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0001|0011
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0041|001D
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0041|0011
9:54:44.201> ERROR - 0040|001D
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt
9:54:44.201> !bInterrupt

maybe anyone have any suggestions how to act in such situation in order to restore communication?

Thank you in advance,

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