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When I compile my project. Errors as below show up.

app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0033': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0032': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0031': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0046': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0046': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0046': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0046': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0034': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0040': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0040': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0040': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)
app.C(1025): error C253: '?L0040': INTERNAL ERROR (UNDEFINED LABEL)

If I build the project again after these errors shows up, it builds successfully. What are these errors and how can I resove them?

Thank you all very much.

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