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I meet the problem : 5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'

extern DEVICE_REQUEST data ep0_cmd;

typedef struct

DEVICE_REQUEST data ep0_cmd _at_ 0x18 = {0};

Build target 'Target 1'
compiling main.c...
5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'
compiling motor.c...
5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'
compiling scsi.c...
5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'
compiling usb.c...
5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'
compiling define.c...
5623.H(4): error C129: missing ';' before 'data'
Target not created

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