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1 Megabyte or more (Flash or Eeprom)


I need a 1 Megabyte or more (FLASH or EEPROM) memory with I2C or SPI interface. Does anyone can help me ?
I have searched a lot on the Internet at main sites but I couldn't find it.



  • You can use the M24512 (64kByte) with I2C-bus from ST.
    To increase the number of components it is a good idea to use the MAX4562 video switch! (Maxim app.note APP 955).
    With one MAX4562 it you can address up to 24 components.
    It is possible to address 4 MAX4562 switches.
    Result: 4x 24x 64kByte = 6MByte (= 48MBit)I2C fast (400kHz) addresseble EEPROM.
    Expensive ($280.-), but IT WORKS!

  • You can use the M24512 (64kByte) with I2C-bus from ST.
    To increase the number of components it is a good idea to use the MAX4562 video switch! (Maxim app.note APP 955).
    With one MAX4562 it you can address up to 24 components.
    It is possible to address 4 MAX4562 switches.
    Result: 4x 24x 64kByte = 6MByte (= 48MBit)I2C fast (400kHz) addresseble EEPROM.
    Expensive ($280.-), but IT WORKS!

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