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Debug Viewer show no text but ASCII

Hi all,

I am still new to the embeded system and currently start self-learning through the example provided in MDK.

Having problem in Debug(print) Viewer because It print ASCII code instead of text even it is in Terminal Mode.

Target HW: SAME70
Debbuger: ULINK2

Max clock: 1MHz
Coreclock: 168.000000MHz
Trace is Enabled
ITM Stimulus Ports 0 and 31 are checked

After searching through the necessary information I am still unable to print the text.

Below are the documents that I refered to:

What could be the problem? Is it becuase of the incorrect setup for my debugger?

But when I start debugging mode, Trace Record windows show ITM range from 0-31, is it the incorrect core clock cause this problem? if yes, how can know the core clock?

Hopefully anyone could give me some idea or share any related link to me.

Thank you.

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