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Time zone management

Hi all,

I would like to use the time library to manage multiple times with different timezones in my embedded system.

I would like reproduce the IAR method:

But with Keil MDK-ARM, I don't find the solution to manage the different timezones or switch the current rule of the timezone. I don't find any API. I don't if it's necessary to write weak functions...

Can you help me?

In advance, thank you.

  • Before you do this, I would strongly suggest that you think very carefully about whether you really need this in the embedded system.

    It usually makes things far easier to just have the embedded system do everything in UTC...

  • Before you do this, I would strongly suggest that you think very carefully about whether you really need this in the embedded system.

    It usually makes things far easier to just have the embedded system do everything in UTC...
