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RTX5 component viewer failure

I have an RTX5 project. The project appears to run OK, but the RTX RTOS component viewer shows errors after the kernel starts. This error is shown in the command window:

Expression: 'ipsr = __GetRegVal("XPSR") & 0x01FF;
          psp  = (v8m_ns == 0) ? (__GetRegVal("PSP")) : (__GetRegVal("PSP_NS"));
          psp  = (psp == 0) ? (TCB[i].sp) : (psp);

          sp = ((ipsr != 0) && (ipsr < 16)) ? (TCB[i].sp) : (psp);'
E306: Execution problem - undefined register name 'XPSR'

The component viewer is a plugin defined by the RTX5.scvd file. It is opened with View > Watch Windows > RTX RTOS. I'm using RTOS2 v5.3.0.

The component viewer is fine while stepping over thread creation between




Created threads show up in the view, etc. After the kernel starts, the viewer doesn't update properly anymore -- it just shows errors.

Has anyone else seen this?

  • Hi Adam,

    I have been having similar frustration with the new RTOS component viewer since MDK 5.26.

    Just installed the latest 5.27 pre-release and MDK 7.8 still the problem is there.

    The problem I am facing is E306: Execution problem. Time out after 600 mSec...

    I hope it gets resolved soon.

    Seng Tak

  • Hi Adam,

    I have been having similar frustration with the new RTOS component viewer since MDK 5.26.

    Just installed the latest 5.27 pre-release and MDK 7.8 still the problem is there.

    The problem I am facing is E306: Execution problem. Time out after 600 mSec...

    I hope it gets resolved soon.

    Seng Tak

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