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how to achieve source level debug in Keil with elf image built in ubuntu?

I can download ELF image in Keil and do assembly debug, how to let Keil know source location? Source can be accessed through samba \\x.x.x.x\home\user\src\..., while it doesn't match the location which is linux style /home/user/src/...

  • When you say, "built in ubuntu" - does that mean that you used GCC?

    If so, the real question is: "How to debug an ELF image built by GCC".

    That's been answered some time ago - try the 'Search' faclity

  • When you say, "built in ubuntu" - does that mean that you used GCC?

    If so, the real question is: "How to debug an ELF image built by GCC".

    That's been answered some time ago - try the 'Search' faclity
