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Keil ISD51 in-system debugger

The application PCB uses AT89C51IC2 microcontroller.

In setting up the in system debugger in the micro vision IDE,

I am getting an ISD51 monitor error
There was no reply from the target system.

I pasted the following function in the file with main:

#include "ISD51.H"

void Init_UART (void)
{ T2CON = 0x34; /* Use Timer 2 For Baudrate */

RCAP2H = 0xFF;
RCAP2L = 0xD9; /* 19,230 Baud @ 24MHz */
SCON = 0x50; /* Enable UART */
EA = 1; /* Enable Global Interrupts */

I set the COM port number to where the RS232 cable is connected to my laptop. (COM4)
Baud rate=19200.

I have ISD51.A51 file in the project. I call ISD_check in the forever loop in the
main function.

What do I do about this error?

  • I've been running the demo project from C:\Keil_v5\C51\ISD51\Examples\Generic_8052\ISD51_Demo

    I only have the application PCB, I don't have an eval kit.

    I set the target to AT89C51IC2, CLK frequency to 40MHz, I included #include "reg51rb2.h"
    to test.c.

    The demo project builds. When I run it, I am getting the no reply from target error.

    It is asking me to check the COM port, linking, ROM content and baud rate.

    Can you please offer some pointers?

    Thank you,

  • I've been running the demo project from C:\Keil_v5\C51\ISD51\Examples\Generic_8052\ISD51_Demo

    I only have the application PCB, I don't have an eval kit.

    I set the target to AT89C51IC2, CLK frequency to 40MHz, I included #include "reg51rb2.h"
    to test.c.

    The demo project builds. When I run it, I am getting the no reply from target error.

    It is asking me to check the COM port, linking, ROM content and baud rate.

    Can you please offer some pointers?

    Thank you,

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