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ArmClang.exe: error: Failed to check out a license.Keil Licensing error: No TOOLS.ini file found

When I compile using version V5.06 update 6 (build 750) I do not have any problems. Everything works very well.
With version 5.24a of uVision, I could compile perfectly with ARMCLANG, and when I upgraded to version 5.25, I could also compile with ARMCLAND V6.9.
But from one day to the next, I could not compile more, it gives me license errors, and I should not have them.
For now I am working with version 5.06 of the compiler, but I want to use version 6.9 that has more benefits for me.

*** Using Compiler 'V6.9', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\Bin'
Rebuild target 'Filter'
ArmClang.exe: error: Failed to check out a license.Keil Licensing error: No TOOLS.ini file found
ArmClang.exe: note: Check that your license details are correct in the License Management dialog of MDK. Additional information is available at: If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: unset - LM_LICENSE_FILE: 'C:\Program Files\PTC' - ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: unset - ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset - Product location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\sw\mappings - Toolchain location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\Bin - Selected tool variant: mdk_pro
ArmClang.exe: note: - Checkout feature: LIC0=TA...-.....-..... - Feature version: 5.0201710 - Keil error code: 1
Product: MDK Professional 5.25
Component: ARM Compiler 6.9
Tool: armclang [5ced1d00]

There is some solution to the problem, or I have to do an outdated version to version 5.24a.

  • Hi

    I have been dealing with exactly the same issue via the Arm Support team in Germany. Apparently "This is known issue with ARMCLANG and latest windows 10 update 1803" however I cannot find any reference to the problem on teir website.

    They suggested that the easiest way to solve the issue is to use a flex licence rather the stand alone licence I was previously using.

    To implement this fix, they provided me with a PSN which allowed me to generate a licence.dat file using the licence generator on their website. Then I had to download the FlexNet license server and install it on the same PC that I was running the uVision MDK.

    The bit they didn't tell me was that the licence.dat file generated from my PSN was missing of the following 2 lines of code which have to be added near the beginning

    SERVER computername macaddress
    VENDOR armlmd c:flexnet\armlmd

    where computername is the name of your computer and macaddress is the MAC address of your network card.

    Obviously, you would have to get the appropriate PSN from ARM before implementing this fix so, if you are running the free version, I don't know where this leaves you.

    Please get back to me if you need further help as I have not written up the details of how to do the installation.

  • Hi

    I have been dealing with exactly the same issue via the Arm Support team in Germany. Apparently "This is known issue with ARMCLANG and latest windows 10 update 1803" however I cannot find any reference to the problem on teir website.

    They suggested that the easiest way to solve the issue is to use a flex licence rather the stand alone licence I was previously using.

    To implement this fix, they provided me with a PSN which allowed me to generate a licence.dat file using the licence generator on their website. Then I had to download the FlexNet license server and install it on the same PC that I was running the uVision MDK.

    The bit they didn't tell me was that the licence.dat file generated from my PSN was missing of the following 2 lines of code which have to be added near the beginning

    SERVER computername macaddress
    VENDOR armlmd c:flexnet\armlmd

    where computername is the name of your computer and macaddress is the MAC address of your network card.

    Obviously, you would have to get the appropriate PSN from ARM before implementing this fix so, if you are running the free version, I don't know where this leaves you.

    Please get back to me if you need further help as I have not written up the details of how to do the installation.
