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RTX Usb Device Unrecognetioned

I am using keil 5.25, CMSIS RTX (not the RTX5), Stm32f103c8 BluePill board.

With keil project wizard, i am craating usb project.

I can compile without any warning or error.

When i load the project to the my board, i am getting unrecognetioned device error.

But if compile with rtx5 (nothing else changed) every thing works perfectly well.

What am i missing?

Here is my all source code;

 * CMSIS-RTOS 'main' function template

#include "cmsis_os.h"                   // ARM::CMSIS:RTOS:Keil RTX
#include "stm32f10x.h"                  // Device header
#include "RTE_Device.h"                 // Keil::Device:Startup
#include "RTE_Components.h"             // Component selection

#include "GPIO_STM32F10x.h"             // Keil::Device:GPIO

#include "rl_usb.h"                     // Keil.MDK-Plus::USB:CORE
#include "Driver_USBD.h"                // ::CMSIS Driver:USB Device

#include "EventRecorder.h"              // Keil.ARM Compiler::Compiler:Event Recorder
#include "EventRecorderConf.h"          // Keil.ARM Compiler::Compiler:Event Recorder

#define osObjectsPublic                     // define objects in main module
#include "osObjects.h"                      // RTOS object definitions

 * main: initialize and start the system
int main (void) {
        // System Initialization

#ifdef RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder
        // Initialize and start Event Recorder
        EventRecorderInitialize(EventRecordAll, 1U);
        // ...
        osKernelInitialize ();                    // initialize CMSIS-RTOS

        // initialize peripherals here



        osKernelStart ();                         // start thread execution

This code just for test.

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