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How make library file that need some defines in othel header file?

Hello every body,

i know how to build a library file.

but now i need a library file that need a .h file for some defines.
i have some constant that define pin map of board,i want make a .lib file that exclude one of header files, and when i want use this library file i must include a header file to main.c until project can compile.
is it possible? if yes,how?

Ham Lot

  • Say I want to have a library with 50 functions defined in some collection of source files and .h files.  I can see how I create that library and include that library in a program.

    To reference the functions from the program, I need to create a .h file that is in my program to reference the functions in the library.

    So when maintaining the library, the .h file in all of the programs that include the library need to be "maintained", correct?



  • Say I want to have a library with 50 functions defined in some collection of source files and .h files.  I can see how I create that library and include that library in a program.

    To reference the functions from the program, I need to create a .h file that is in my program to reference the functions in the library.

    So when maintaining the library, the .h file in all of the programs that include the library need to be "maintained", correct?


