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SWDIO No target connected

I'm using a stm32f407vg board. Suddenly I can't download my code to flash memory. It gives me this error " Debugger - Cortex-M error: no target connected". In options for target > Debug > Settings in SW Device tab I see " SWDIO: Error No target connected".

How can I solve this?

  • Start by testing basic connectivity & comms with ST's ST-Link Utility:

    * If that doesn't work, then you have a fundamental issue - nothing to do with Keil;

    * If that does work, then the issue is somewhere in your Keil stuff ...

  • Start by testing basic connectivity & comms with ST's ST-Link Utility:

    * If that doesn't work, then you have a fundamental issue - nothing to do with Keil;

    * If that does work, then the issue is somewhere in your Keil stuff ...
