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Problems with uvision V5.24 and PC-Lint


I had a running PC_Lint configuration with uvision V5.20.
The configuration consists of a std.lnt file, which includes several other *.lnt files (for misra, adaption for ARMCC Compiler and so on).

Now in uvision V5.24 the PC-Lint configuration window looks quite different.
I just specify the Lint executable and the config file (std.lnt), the rest is empty or not selected.
But anyway the output and the behaviour is quite different than it was.
My options like "-summary" are ignored, it works even when I delete all includes in the lnt files (which would never be the case before) and so on.

It seems that there are taken any further options into account, even when not selected?

Can anybody give me an advice?

Thanks in advance!

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