I have a few dev projects based around a Stm32F302 nucleus dev boards
I did most of the work in jan this year and came to update change the functionality in the last week
using the latest version of mxcube and 5.24 Keil with all the packs up to date
all I am getting now is keil ide keeps asking for a pack download that's already there and asking to change the device
What the heck has happened Keil ? I don't have time to keep updating every project to match you pack structures.
so anyone else come across this and now is there going to be a constant requirement to keep all projects up to date with the IDE
If things are working *stop* updating the build environment. This isn't Adobe Flash, you don't have to update things every time you turn your computer on, if you want stability don't change things. If you choose to keep moving the goal posts expect to have to adapt to the changing landscape of tool/library releases from a bunch of vendors with different releases strategies and evolving ecosystems.
could be a solution but I updated and find myself where I am