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Convert a assembly program to compile by Keil

hi everybody
i have a assembly program and want to use it in my project .
but keil don't compile this directly.
i don't have enough knowledge to correct and convert code to keil could compile this code.
pls help me
tnx alot

.syntax unified

#ifdef __ARM_PCS_VFP

@ High-throughput block transfer using the FPU register set as a 128-byte
@ buffer.
@ This implementation exploits the IT Folding feature of the Cortex-M4.
@ An IT instruction following a 16-bit Thumb instruction, when both are
@ aligned into a 32-bit memory word, takes no additional cycles to issue.
@ Arguments:
@  r0  source address
@  r1  destination address
@  r2  number of words to transfer.
.section .ramcode,"ax",%progbits
.balign 4
.global _Z10copy_wordsPKmPmm
      @ Name our registers.
      src   .req r0
      dst   .req r1
      count .req r2

      @ The caller may have been using floating point.
      @ Save the callee-save portion of the register file.
      vpush {s16 - s31}                                           @ 17

      @ "Warm up" the transfer engine, which wants to operate in units of
      @ 128 bytes, by making smaller transfers until count a multiple of 128.

      @ Special-case the single word transfer; the macro below won't work.
      lsrs.n count, #1                                            @ 1
      itt cs                                                      @ 0 (aligned)
      vldmcs.32 src!, {s0}                                        @ 2
      vstmcs.32 dst!, {s0}                                        @ 2

      @ Transfer n+1 words.
      .macro XFER n                             @ 5 + 2*n
        lsrs.n count, #1                        @ 1
        itt cs                                  @ 0 (aligned)
        vldmcs.32 src!, {s0 - s\n}              @ 1+1+n
        vstmcs.32 dst!, {s0 - s\n}              @ 1+1+n

      XFER 1                                                      @ 7
      XFER 3                                                      @ 11
      XFER 7                                                      @ 19
      XFER 15                                                     @ 35

      @ Handle the case where we've been asked to transfer <32 words.
      @ In such a case, count will now be zero, and the Z flag will still
      @ be set from the last XFER.
      @ Force the branch to use a 32-bit instruction to preserve alignment
      @ of the loop branch below; this saves a cycle per time that branch
      @ is taken.
      @ Note that the target of this branch (at 1 below) is also aligned,
      @ saving a cycle on the rare escape path.
      beq.w 1f                                                    @ 1 (n.t.)

      @ All warmed up, transfer in units of 128 bytes.
0:    vldm.32 src!, {s0 - s31}                                    @ 33
      vstm.32 dst!, {s0 - s31}                                    @ 33
      subs.n count, #1                                            @ 1
      bne.n 0b                                                    @ ~3 (taken)

      @ Restore FPU state.
1:    vpop {s16 - s31}                                            @ 17
      bx lr                                                       @ 1-3??

  #error copy_words is not available for your architecture.