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NAND Flash File System ssue

I am using LPC1788 with Keil MDK4 along with RLFlash FS[4GB External NAND] & RTX Kernel.
In my application i use the NAND Flash to store TEST Reports & activity logs.

Each report is stored in individual file & there are 500 reports in each folder with a max count of 5000 reports[10 folders].data is written only once in the report file[open->write->close]

In the activity log file, the data is appended.In my case, i have appended data to the file around 10000 times[~50 bytes per append].Every time after appending i close the file & then reopen the next time.

Now, i am unable to access any files in the NAND.When i read the directory, the files can be seen, but when i try to open it, the system hangs.infact, the debugger that i am using also hangs[ULINK2] & i have to reset it as well.

I have read somewhere that it is not a good practice to append small data to files again & again..

Please guide..!

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