I am trying FileSystem example on FRDM K64F. However I can't get it working without ULINK. It says I need it in order to get it working. Is there any work around? Can I use serial port instead to INPUT/OUTPUT commands. Any help will be appreciated! I just tried a simple printf but can't get it out to serial port or debug printf viewer.
What exact changes I need to make in default retarget code. Sorry I am novice...appreciate your input.
www.keil.com/.../gsac_lowlevelroutinescortex.htm http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/gsac/gsac_retargetcortex.htm
Thanks for directions. It seems I made good progress. But I am still not able to see output. Used retarget template you provided. Added stdout_UART.c/stdin_UART/stderr_UART.c in project using templates. Now changed the functions in retarget.c to use them. Configured UART1 to be used in these function and then enabled UART1 in RTE_Device.c. I added below code to init UART. I can see them initialized properly as no error returned. But still I can't see printf output in serial viewer connect on same baud rate I configured. Based LED blicking seems like it's output but not sure where to see. I have serial viewer connected but nothing there. Not sure what I am missing. Can you please advise? Please note I am using FRDM K64F with MDK latest.
status = stdout_init (); if(!status) { status = stdin_init (); if(!status) { status = stderr_init (); if(status){ printf ("Error Initializing stderr 0x%x\n> ", status); } else { printf ("All STDIO completed 0x%x\n> ", status); } } }
UART init for stdout:
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: stdout_USART.c * Purpose: STDOUT USART Template * Rev.: 1.0.0 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "Driver_USART.h"
//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> --------------------
// <h>STDOUT USART Interface
// <o>Connect to hardware via Driver_USART# <0-255> // Select driver control block for USART interface #define USART_DRV_NUM 1
// <o>Baudrate #define USART_BAUDRATE 115200
// </h>
#define _USART_Driver_(n) Driver_USART##n #define USART_Driver_(n) _USART_Driver_(n)
/** Initialize stdout
\return 0 on success, or -1 on error. */ int stdout_init (void) { int32_t status;
status = ptrUSART->Initialize(NULL); if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) return (-1);
status = ptrUSART->PowerControl(ARM_POWER_FULL); if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) return (-1);
status = ptrUSART->Control(ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX, 1); if (status != ARM_DRIVER_OK) return (-1);
return (0); }
/** Put a character to the stdout
\param[in] ch Character to output \return The character written, or -1 on write error. */ int stdout_putchar (int ch) { uint8_t buf[1];
buf[0] = ch; if (ptrUSART->Send(buf, 1) != ARM_DRIVER_OK) { return (-1); } while (ptrUSART->GetTxCount() != 1); return (ch); }
Here is my retarget.c:
/******************************************************************************/ /* RETARGET.C: 'Retarget' layer for target-dependent low level functions */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools. */ /* Copyright (c) 2005 Keil Software. All rights reserved. */ /* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current, */ /* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software */ /* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */ /******************************************************************************/
#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <rt_misc.h>
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)
extern int stdout_putchar(int ch); extern int stdin_getchar(void); extern long timeval;
struct __FILE { int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */ }; //FILE __stdout; //FILE __stdin;
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) { return (stdout_putchar(ch)); }
int fgetc(FILE *f) { return (stdout_putchar(stdin_getchar())); }
int ferror(FILE *f) { /* Your implementation of ferror */ return EOF; }
void _ttywrch(int ch) { stdout_putchar (ch); }
void _sys_exit(int return_code) { while (1); /* endless loop */ }
Thanks again. I was able to figure out. I had to change to UART0. Now I can see IN/OUT but I have issue in INPUT. It doesn't flush the characters on ENTER. SO next time take last character entered. Below is my getc function and I use scanf to take string in.
int fgetc(FILE *f) { int ch; ch = stdin_getchar(); fflush(stdin); stdout_putchar(ch); fflush(stdin); return ch; }
Thanks again. What I found is it only happens if in debug mode. If I take out of debug mode and connect board through serial, then is no issue at all. I am using CMSIS-DAP as a debugger. As I said issue is only with input. I have core clock frequency set to 120MHz. Operating system is set to RTX Kernel. Do I need to do some other debug setting to avoid this mis-behavior?