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txd an array and rxd the array value in reverse order, using HTerm.

the code below is transmit and receive an array data serial. the array data is to be transmitted back in the reverse order. HTerm is used in place of hyperTerminal
#include <reg51.h>
#include <stdio.h>

bit flag = 0;
unsigned char c[10],s, count = 0;
void send_serial(unsigned char *s);

void main()
{ SCON = 0x52; TMOD = 0x20; TH1 = 0xFD; TR1 = 1; EA = 1; ES = 1; if(flag) { for(s = count - 1; s > 0; s--) { SBUF = c[s]; while(!TI); TI = 0; } }

void ser_intr(void)interrupt 4

c[count]=SBUF; IE=0x00; count++; if(c==0x0d) { flag = 1; } RI=0; IE=0x90;

  • I didn't see any question in your post.

    But you have a number of issues you need to consider.

    Besides the lack of comments and the use of magic constants - have you spent any time testing your code with good and bad input data?


  • I didn't see any question in your post.

    But you have a number of issues you need to consider.

    Besides the lack of comments and the use of magic constants - have you spent any time testing your code with good and bad input data?


No data