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Where can I get the software pack of Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.1.1?


I think this post is not perfectly suit for here, but let me share my problem since ST website's forum is slow and troublesome to use for me.

I would like to know where I can get the software pack of Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.1.1.
Or if there is any alternations, I would like to try as well.

I am trying to develop a device with STM32F303k8.
This is so-called "Nucleo STM32F303", and I developed some applications with the board through mbed platform.
Toward more time critical applications, I am setting up my environment with Keil uVision5.
Keil is nicer in the point of its offline debugger and CMSIS libraries.

So, first of all I opened an example blinky project in the Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.3.0 pack.
I was supposed to modify the example project to build my own application.
But when I changed the device option into STM32F303k8 in the "Options for Target" window,
the board support files turned red and compailer said it required the software pack of Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.1.1.

But the thing is I couldn't find such files in pack installer and website.

What I want to do is run some example file of STM32F303k8 with Keil uVision5.
So if I do not need to install this software pack, I would like to know the other way.
Or I want your advice for the matter if you know how to deal with this.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Marchall, with MDK-ARM V5.22, that is our latest release, installed:
    - open the PackInstaller
    - select as device the STM32F303k8
    - install the Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP V1.3.0
    - next open the Examples-Tab and access the four examples projects provided
    We offer a nice MDK-ARM Learning portal at:

    Open a support ticket if there come up technical questions: