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CAN Object chicken and egg or something else?


What are the capabilities that the ARM_CAN_OjectGetCapabilities() returns?

Are they the capabilities for the object as programmed by ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure()? Or are they capabilities representing what the hardware is capable of?

I am guessing that these refer to HW capabilities but I could almost guess the other way...


  • It says return value of ARM_CAN_ObjectGetCapabilities function is structure ARM_CAN_OBJ_CAPABILITIES which describes hardware capabilities of an object together with capabilities that driver supports so if driver wouldn't support some of capabilities that hardware has that field would reflect value that driver supports.

    ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure function can configure an object as receive, transmit, recevie RTR and automatically send data response, send RTR and automatically receive data frame.

    So no, these two functions are not in relation that you expect.

  • It says return value of ARM_CAN_ObjectGetCapabilities function is structure ARM_CAN_OBJ_CAPABILITIES which describes hardware capabilities of an object together with capabilities that driver supports so if driver wouldn't support some of capabilities that hardware has that field would reflect value that driver supports.

    ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure function can configure an object as receive, transmit, recevie RTR and automatically send data response, send RTR and automatically receive data frame.

    So no, these two functions are not in relation that you expect.
