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Stuck at Interrupt while Stepping

I wrote a simple PWM code and it was working fine. But when I tried to enable the match interrupts, the code just get gets stuck inside the interrupt handler while stepping in the debugger.

Can someone help on this, what is wrong with my interrupt initialization?

#include <LPC23xx.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#define I_Bit 0x80
#define F_Bit 0x40

#define SYS32Mode 0x1F
#define IRQ32Mode 0x12
#define FIQ32Mode 0x11
static unsigned long sysreg;
#define IENABLE __asm { MRS sysreg, SPSR; MSR CPSR_c, #SYS32Mode }
#define IDISABLE __asm { MSR CPSR_c, #(IRQ32Mode|I_Bit); MSR SPSR_cxsf, sysreg }
#define PLOCK 0x04000000
#define PWMMR0I (1<<0)
#define PWMMR0R (1<<1)
#define PWMMR1I (1<<3)
#define PWMMR2I (1<<6)
#define PWMMR3I (1<<9)
#define PWMMR4I (1<<12)
#define PWMMR5I (1<<15)
#define PWMMR6I (1<<18)
#define MR1I_FLAG (1<<1)
#define MR2I_FLAG (1<<2)
void initClocks(void);
void initTimer0(void);
void setupPLL0(void);
void feedSeq(void);
void connectPLL0(void);
void initPWM(void);
void initClocks(void);
__irq void PWM1Handler(void);
void initPWM(void);

int main() { initClocks(); initPWM(); for(;1;);

void PWM1Handler(void) __irq
{ unsigned int regVal; unsigned int i=0; regVal = PWM1IR; IENABLE; if (PWM1IR&PWMMR0I) { printf("match 0 occured"); i++; } else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR1I) printf("match 1 occured"); else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR2I) printf("match 2 occured"); else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR3I) printf("match 3 occured"); else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR4I) printf("match 4 occured"); else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR5I) printf("match 5 occured"); else if (PWM1IR&PWMMR6I) printf("match 6 occured"); PWM1IR = regVal; IDISABLE; VICVectAddr=0;

void initClocks()
{ setupPLL0(); feedSeq(); //sequence for locking PLL to desired freq. connectPLL0(); feedSeq(); //sequence for connecting the PLL as system clock

void initPWM(void)
{ PCONP |= (1<<6); PCLKSEL0 |= ((1<<12)|(0<<13)); PINSEL4 |= 0x00000555; PINSEL4 &= ~0x0000AAA; PWM1TCR = 0x02; PWM1PR = 59999; PWM1MCR = 0x0004924B; PWM1PCR = (1<<9)|(1<<10)|(1<<11)|(1<<12)|(1<<13)|(1<<14); PWM1MR0 = 10000; PWM1MR1 = 1000; PWM1MR2 = 2000; PWM1MR3 = 3000; PWM1MR4 = 4000; PWM1MR5 = 6000; PWM1MR6 = 7000; PWM1LER = 0x7F;

VICVectAddr8 = (unsigned)PWM1Handler; VICVectPriority8 = 0x0F; VICIntEnable |= (1<<8);

PWM1TCR = 0x09;

//---------PLL Related Functions :---------------

void setupPLL0(void)
{ PLLCON = 0x01; PLLCFG = 0x04 | (1<<16); SCS |= 0x20; while( !(SCS & 0x40) ); CLKSRCSEL = 0x01;

void feedSeq(void)
{ PLLFEED = 0xAA; PLLFEED = 0x55;

void connectPLL0(void)
{ while( !( PLLSTAT & PLOCK )); PLLCON = 0x03;

  • Please try to read the posting instructions for source code.

    If it interrupts at speeds that exceed your reaction time, then stepping the code is going to result in constant re-entry. Try not to use single-step to debug things with real-time operation. Having large printf() within the IRQ handlers is probably not ideal, they will be slowed by the serial IO and use a lot of stack space. If you can output a single character, that would be more efficient.

  • Please try to read the posting instructions for source code.

    If it interrupts at speeds that exceed your reaction time, then stepping the code is going to result in constant re-entry. Try not to use single-step to debug things with real-time operation. Having large printf() within the IRQ handlers is probably not ideal, they will be slowed by the serial IO and use a lot of stack space. If you can output a single character, that would be more efficient.
