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Address of execution memory dispaly

I am using uvision to debug Dialog DA14580 chip which has an ARM cortex M0 on board.

From my experience with other emulators (IDE) there should be a way to see the C- instruction

overlapped with its assembler interpretation and the exact location in memory of these

instructions. This way , it is possible to follow steps of the program in memory ...

Is there a way to do this in u-vision?

I see only the instructions numbered .

  • There is a disassembly view, the cursor will move over it and the related C statements in the source view. The C code may equate to many assembler instructions, and they may be out of sequence.

    The compiler can also provide listings of source/assembler

  • There is a disassembly view, the cursor will move over it and the related C statements in the source view. The C code may equate to many assembler instructions, and they may be out of sequence.

    The compiler can also provide listings of source/assembler
